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DEP in Erosion

Control Practices as required by law for working in the Shoreland Zone

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Our first large all-crew trip in 2013 to Japan and Tibet was inspired by our beloved crewmate, Wang Chen, who was finally granted a visa to re-enter Tibet to visit his family after a 20-year absence. Ten of us spent a week in Kamakura and a week in Tibet.

Travel Photos

2013 Kamakura group shot.jpg

I've been fortunate enough to travel to Japan regularly since my exchange student days in 1974, and taking crew members along ever since Noah and I went for a month in 2006, at which time he also attended the Kyoto University of Art and Design program.  In 2013 we set the ambitious goal of taking qualifying crew members to Japan for two weeks every two years.

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Liz Futon scene.jpg

In Spring 2015 eight of us spent two weeks in Kyoto enjoying the plum blossoms and studying gardens while living together in a small rented house.

(photo: Liz Stanley, at Kitanotenmangu Shrine)

Our Autumn 2016 trip was a group of sixteen, including our good friend, Mary Roper, Head Gardener at Asticou Azalea Garden in Northeast Harbor, who had also joined our 2015 trip. We perfected the art of sardine sleeping on this trip, a crucial component of putting together an incredibly cheap Japan trip.  (photo: Liz Stanley)

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In 2018 eleven of us stayed in a beautiful little cluster of houses in the Higashiyama district of Kyoto for two weeks.  James stayed for an extra two weeks to attend the Kyoto University of Art and Design program. (photo: Rocky)

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Above: Food item we did not eat

In 2017 my dear friend and Japanese "sister" (from exchange student days), Yasuko Ueda and I led a two-week tour of eight clients and friends, enjoying excellent company and some of the best hotels and restaurants.

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photos (above and below left): Caroline Parsons

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Caroline David bush.jpg
Koko En.jpg
Liz Isuien.jpg
Liz Kamakura group.jpg
Liz Yakitori.jpg

photos in row above: Liz Stanley

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Canadian Embassy 1.jpg
Kitanotenmangu Chinese tourists.jpg
Engakuji Kita Kamakura.jpg
Garyu Sanso, Ozu City, Ehime Pref.jpg
Koushouji, Takashima, Shiga Pref Client
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photo above: Noah Gottlieb

photo below: Stephanie Almasi

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Tsuda no Matsubara.jpg
Tokyo Myogadani.jpg
Jakko-in Ohara.jpg
Snacky Land.jpg
Chusonji Hiraizumi.jpg
Engakuji teahouse.jpg
Kasuga Shrine.jpg
Otsu pumpkin persimmons.jpg
Kyuu Chikurin-in, Otsu.jpg
Saihoji 2.jpg
Kyuu Tokushimajo Omote Goten.jpg
Ritsurin Koen.jpg
Steve Coit Jakko-in Ohara Lee Tom.jpg

photo above: Steve Coit

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Bride Bamboo.jpg
Kyuu Tokushimajo Omote river.jpg
Lucy Drawing 10.14.16 .jpg

photo above: Liz Stanley

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